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500 Startups Demo Day & VentureBeat Coverage!

By August 11, 2015July 7th, 2016No Comments

MoBagel is honored to be featured in VentureBeat’s article “8 of our favorite startups from 500 Startups’ 13th batch”! As highlighted in the article, MoBagel provides an advanced device management and analytics solution for hardware manufacturers and designers, just like how Google Analytics is the go-to tool for every web developers.

After four months of intense training and mentorship at 500 Startups, MoBagel had a succesful performance at 500 Startups’ Demo Day and were swamped with investment opportunities.

Here is a recap of our 500 Startup’s Demo Day pitch, featuring MoBagel’s co-founder, Iru Wang.

Indeed, hardware device analytics is a new practice, which is why MoBagel is open to working with all different types of manufacturers and industries to understand what is best for the future of device management and analytics.

For instance, MoBagel was inspired by one of its clients to implement predictive analytics on its hardware analytics solution. Since then we formed a dedicated team to work on machine learning and prediction such that predictive analytics can be widely applied to different hardware business applications like predicting sales, forecasting errors, and anticipating customer behaviors.

If you want to learn more about why MoBagel is the most advanced device management and analytics solution, please be sure to check out our features here.


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